How to… Wash your workwear correctly

We give you some tips on the best ways to wash and care for your new workwear

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So you’ve invested in your lovely new workwear, but it’s now time to wash it.

The garment care instruction on the inside label tell you how to wash the clothing correctly, but what about the logos?

On the whole embroidery is much hardier than print.  Print has a few more care requirements when washing.  So if you are washing an item with both print and embroidery, follow the instructions for print (and the embroidery will be fine).

Below is a quick table on how to best wash your clothing to keep the logos looking create.

Embroidery Print
Washing temp 60 degrees max 40 degrees max
Fabric softeners That’s fine Avoid
Detergents Bio or Non-Bio Non-Bio only
Tumble dry That’s fine Avoid
Iron over logo directly That’s fine Avoid

Heat pressed prints are applied using heat to activate the adhesive; by avoiding any high heat (washing over 40 or tumble drying) you avoid activating (warming up) the adhesive again and loosening the connection between the print and fabric.

Just like heat, the strong chemicals in biological detergents and fabrics softeners denature the adhesive.

Our recommended washing guide lines are:

  • Wash at 40 degrees or lower
  • Use non-bio detergents
  • Air dry or in an airing cupboard

Any garments with a polycotton mix will dry fairly quickly compared to 100% cotton items.  Polos like our best seller will often dry in an hour on the washing line in the summer.  Or for even quicker drying garments look our for 100% poly.  These will often dry in half an hour on the washing line in the summer or depending on the spin cycle of the washing machine can come out of the wash practically dry. For more info on fabric and garment choice take a look at our blog.

Of course if you need any further advise on choosing garments or how to wash them feel free to get in touch, as we can help you get the most out of your workwear.

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